FEIF has developed a Riding Horse Profile to help riders find the best match possible when buying a new horse. This tool benefits both the seller and the buyer.
The Icelandic horse is a very versatile breed. Each horse is special in terms of characteristics and level of training. Similarly, each rider is different, requiring different traits from his or her riding horse.
FEIF has developed a Riding Horse Profile to help riders find the best match possible when buying a new horse. This tool documents a neutral assessment of a horse and the needs and wishes of the buyer/rider, prepared in cooperation with professional trainers.
There are two forms available on the FEIF website which, together, make up the Riding Horse Profile. One form, the Rider’s Form, guides the buyer/rider through identifying the ideal traits for his or her ideal riding horse. A second form, the Trainer’s Form, is used to describe the current characteristics and education level of a candidate horse.  
A professional completes the Trainer’s Form which includes specific observations about the horse as it is handled (groomed, prepared for riding, trailered, etc.), ridden (both indoors and outdoors), and reactions to common situations in the surroundings (encounters with bicycles, other horses, dogs, umbrellas, cars, etc.).
A professional consults with the buyer/rider to compare the information on the two forms to help decide if a particular horse is a good fit for the buyer/rider.
It is common to try out various horses before a final decision is made. During this process, the buyer/rider only needs to complete the Rider’s Form one time. It is also possible to reuse the Trainer’s Form for a given horse as long as it was completed recently and the circumstances and training of the horse have not changed.
The FEIF Riding Horse Profile is a tool to make the best match between a buyer and a new horse, which benefits both the seller and the buyer. It gives a snapshot of a horse and rider at a specific moment. There is no guarantee that the results will be reproducible over time, with different riders, or with different circumstances.
FEIF supports the wellbeing of the horse, as well as the satisfaction and safety of the rider.
For more information, watch a video on the Riding Horse Profile made by Horses of Iceland in cooperation with FEIF.
Also check out our new video page.
