Eiðfaxi International is now available as a free digital magazine in English published six times a year. Dedicated to the Icelandic horse in Iceland, it will be packed with interesting interviews, adventurous travel stories and stunning photos.

Eiðfaxi International is now available as a free digital magazine in English. It will be published six times a year and dedicated to the Icelandic horse in Iceland. Each issue will be packed with interviews with riders and breeders, news of shows and tournaments, travel stories and stunning photos.

The cover photo of the first issue. By Liga Liepina.

Editor of Eiðfaxi International Hilda Karen Garðarsdóttir says: “We want to bring news, travel stories and interviews to all our readers abroad, straight from the birth country of the Icelandic horse. We are also very proud of our country, the magnificent landscape and scenery, as is evident in the photos we have selected. Because there are so many other horse breeds in the world, we want to highlight the Icelandic horse’s qualities: Its special gaits, size and spirit, all of which make it unique.” 

Photo by Bjarney Anna.

Eiðfaxi has a long history. It was first published in 1977, originally in print and in Icelandic only. Since then, the magazine has been leading in covering the world of the Icelandic horse and horse people in Iceland. Eiðfaxi International has been published in print and sent to subscribers abroad with intermission for the past 30 years. Now with the free digital edition begins a new chapter in the magazine’s publication history.

You can read the first issue and subscribe to the free magazine here. To contact the editor, email hilda@eidfaxi.is.

Eiðfaxi International’s website is currently being developed and will complement the digital magazine. Eiðfaxi is also on Facebook and Instagram.

Text: Eygló Svala Arnarsdóttir. Photos: Courtesy of Eiðfaxi. Top photo by Gígja Einarsdóttir.


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