The first presentation in a brand-new online series on Icelandic horse breeding will go live on 30 March. There will be four 40-minute presentations in total. They can be watched online with Facebook Live, or later, are free of charge and open to all.

Horses of Iceland will launch an ONLINE presentation series on Icelandic horse breeding on Tuesday, 30 March, at 6 pm UTC. The presentations are free of charge and open to all via Horses of Iceland’s Facebook page and will be in English.

The programme is as follows:

30 March, 6 pm UTC: The beginning of breeding the Icelandic horses and first breeding consultants

6 April, 6 pm UTC: Breeding consultants from 2000; changes, development, and breeding lines  

13 April, 6 pm UTC: Modern breeding shows, procedures and purpose

20 April, 6 pm UTC: Breeding goals, official and private – the foundation of the goals, importance of private preference and versatility

Each presentation will be approximately 40 minutes long and followed by Q&As.

The subjects will be presented in an informative and entertaining way by Herdís Reynisdóttir (Dísa), who is a riding instructor and experienced breeding judge.

Dísa is a riding instructor with a degree from Hólar University in Iceland. She has travelled to many different countries to give lessons and clinics, and also to judge in breeding shows – she worked as an international breeding judge for 17 years.
